Dr. Leon Chen


Speaker Profile

Speaker Dr. Leon Chen
Lecture Lecture 15 - Onedrill implant system and Sinus implant
Date & Time 24 July 2025, Thursday
11:45am - 12:45pm
Short Biodata
  • Graduate of Harvard University, School of Dental Medicine, DMD., 93 Full Scholarship with Cum Laude
  • Completed a one-year research residency at Forsyth Institute Boston under the direction of Dr. Sigmund Socransky
  • Graduate of Northwestern University, Dental School, MS., 95 Full Scholarship with Specialty Certification in Periodontics
  • Received Presidential Award from President Ronald Reagan
  • Inventor of HSC Technique, One Drill Implant, Sinus Implant, and an algorithm software for immediate implant
  • Co-inventor of Implant Navigation & Osseofuse Implant System
  • Clinical consultant for Osseofuse International Inc.
  • Founder and CEO of the Dental Implant Institute
  • Founder of Global Implant Academy Minimally Invasive Dentistry
  • Founder and President of Taiwan Implant Academy Minimally Invasive Dentistry
  • Director of Dean’s Advisory Board, Harvard University, School of Dental Medicine, 2012-2022
  • Appointed Dental Implant Expert Witness by the California Supreme Court
  • Editor of JIACD, Dental Implantology Update, International Magazine of Oral Implantology
  • Diplomate and Fellow of ICOI, IDIA, GIAMID 
  • Featured speaker of AAP, ADA, ICOI, IDIA, AO, GIAMID

The OneDrill Implant System is the first and only implant system with global patents that ensures excellent primary stability, even in immediate implants or cases with severe bone loss requiring simultaneous bone grafting. It offers dentists a simple, precise, and efficient solution, reducing procedure time by at least half for both dentists and patients. SinusFuse is the first and only FDA-approved implant for sinus procedures. Its patented design allows dentists to complete sinus implant surgeries in as little as 10 minutes, performing bone grafting and sinus lifting simultaneously during implantation.

Don’t miss Dr. Leon Chen’s insightful lecture on One Drill Implant System and Sinus Implant. Learn about cutting-edge innovations like the OneDrill Implant System and SinusFuse, designed to revolutionize dental procedures with precision, efficiency, and unparalleled stability.




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